Kaydara and Mexico's EuNoia Animation School announced the successful completion of the facility's first 10-month course specifically dedicated to teaching professional animation software. Driven by MOTIONBUILDER, Kaydara's award-winning character animation software, EuNoia is Mexico's only certified training center to offer artistic and technical courses on the industry's leading animation and effects software.
EuNoia's professional animation program was launched in January 2003 and students participated in strategic programs that taught MOTIONBUILDER, Alias Maya, Avid Softimage and other courses such as traditional animation, stop animation, script writing and acting. The comprehensive program provided students with the opportunity to receive extensive technical and artistic training without traveling abroad.
"EuNoia is offering the very best in special effects and animation software training to the Latin American community," said Saskia de Winter, dean of EuNoia. "Adding MOTIONBUILDER to our curriculum represents a significant step in fulfilling the schools' vision, which is to teach courses that cultivate professional artists, animators and storytellers.
Kaydara MOTIONBUILDER is a complete 3D character animation solution designed to make sophisticated, highly realistic animation attainable for a wide array of projects, ranging from desktop videos and television commercials to games and high-end feature films. MOTIONBUILDER's unique realtime architecture, intelligent character technology and breakthrough story timeline allow any 3D animator to create state-of-the-art results in record time.
"Kaydara is committed to education and is thrilled to be part of a program that will provide students with the opportunity and resources to become skilled 3D animators," said Jean-Jacques Hermans, vp of marketing and business development for Kaydara. "There is always a demand for talented animators. This initiative will help increase the level of special effects training throughout all of Latin America and provide an expanded pool of skilled animators trained in the latest animation techniques."
EuNoia's next Professional Animation Software Training program beginsMarch 1, 2004. For more information on courses, schedules and pricing, contact EuNoia at (52-55) 5203-00-30 or via email at info@eunoia.tv
Over the course of the past decade, Montreal-based Kaydara Inc. (www.kaydara.com) has become a leader in the development of realtime 3D animation software solutions for the entertainment industry. Kaydara's product portfolio serves a vast and varied range of clients in the TV, film, game development, and Web content industries, including Sony Computer Ent. of America, Midway Games, Acclaim, Mainframe Ent., Capcom and the Canadian Broadcasting Corp.
EuNoia (www.eunoia.tv) is a private Mexican company dedicated to the training, support and content generation to the 3D digital content for Latin America and abroad. Customers include Televisa, TV Azteca, General Motors, Volkswagen de México, Chile Films, Caracol and RCN.