Evans & Sutherland hire Ard and Munshani

Evans & Sutherland Computer Corporation has announced the appointment ofRobert H. Ard to the position of Group Executive, Applications, and ShankerMunshani to be General Manager of its Workstation Graphics Division. Ardwill be responsible for the Digital Studio, Digital Theater, and PixelProducts divisions. He will also continue as the General Manager of thePixel Products unit. Ard is a veteran software industry executive. Prior tojoining Evans & Sutherland in 1998 as the General Manager of the PixelProducts Division, he was President of Model Technology, Vice President andGeneral Manager at Mentor Graphics, and President of ITI Software. He holdsa BS in civil engineering and an MS in structural mechanics from BrighamYoung University. Before joining E&S, Munshani was President & CEO ofMicronics Computers, Chairman and CEO of Orchid Technology, and Presidentand CEO of ByteLink. In addition, Munshani has held senior managementpositions including 11 years at Intel Corporation and Wyse Technology.Munshani has an MS in electrical engineering from the University of Kansas.