eyeon Releases Dimension 3D Toolset

eyeon Software announced the shipping release of eyeon Dimension, an advanced optical flow-based science providing disparity and optical flow toolsets.

Press release from eyeon Software:

Toronto, Canada -- eyeon Software announced the shipping release of eyeon Dimension. Heralded by many since its debut at IBC last September as an industry game-changer, Dimension’s stereoscopic technology is, at its core, an advanced optical flow-based science that offers two series of tools, the disparity toolset and the optical flow toolset. For ultimate controls over stereo sequences, Dimension can precisely construct disparity mapping for accurate per-pixel manipulation of the left and right eyes in true 3D space. Image sequences can also be processed to achieve numerous results far beyond stereoscopic requirements.

“We have been putting Dimension up against ‘the other’ software and first attempts fixed or greatly improved the results. Dimension is very intuitive and helpful. Some of the old-schoolers commented several times, ‘Why doesn't it crash?’” -- Bradley Mullennix, IE Effects

Dimension is designed to solve a number of common problems in stereoscopic film and broadcast production that would normally require a large amount of manual rotoscoping and paintwork to solve, such as:

  • Correcting vertical alignment mismatches due to misaligned 3D rigs which are a primary cause of viewer discomfort.
  • Modifying eye separation and convergence in post.
  • The ability to correct various types of mismatches between left/right eyes due to camera focus differences, mirror polarization differences, and camera sync timing issues by reconstruction of the mismatched parts or even the entire eye.
  • Creation of depth maps from stereo pairs which can later be used for post FX, such as depth of field blurring or the addition of atmospheric haze.

Dimension also adds new optical flow-based technology to flawlessly analyze image sequences for outstanding results:

- Slow motion and nonlinear retiming of footage - Scratch and dust removal from frames - Grain reduction - Recreating of missing or damaged frames - Smoothing out of color fluctuations - Adding motion blur and other vector effects

“Much more than a ‘fix it in post’ stereo application, Dimension’s optical flow development has led to a new set of tools that solve a phenomenal range of technical and creative production problems, opening this technology up to an endless stream of uses. Combine this with Fusion and production can solve it all in one go, in no time. -- Joanne Dicaire, EVP Sales & Marketing, eyeon Software Inc.


eyeon Dimension ships at $995 however its release coincides with eyeon Software’s latest NAB Show Special. For more information, please contact sales@eyeonline.com.

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Formerly Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network, Jennifer Wolfe has worked in the Media & Entertainment industry as a writer and PR professional since 2003.