Film Roman announces DOOMSDAY

Film Roman Inc. has entered into an agreement with Howard Stern Productionsand writer/producer Tracy Torme to create the animated sci-fi/comedy seriesDOOMSDAY. While the concept was created by Torme, Howard Stern will play anintegral role in the development of the script and in the production of theseries, as well as provide the voice for one of the characters. Stern willinvite a number of his celebrity friends to appear as special guest voicesonthe show. DOOMSDAY tells the story of the Bradley family who travel in amotor-home across a post-apocalyptic United States in search of a new homeand traditional family values. The Bradleys face a world turned upsidedown, where danger and stupidity lurk behind the remains of a civilizationdestroyed by a cataclysmic burst of radiation. According to Mark Lieber,Film Roman's President of Television Programming, "This is the first ofmany announcements Film Roman will be making over the next several weeksthat we believe will begin to position our company as a major supplier oforiginal animated and live-action programming." Film Roman is currentlyproducing THE SIMPSONS and KING OF THE HILL for 20th Century FoxTelevision, THE DOWNTOWNERS for Warner Bros. Network, and is inpost-production on JOHNNY TSUNAMI, a live-action movie for The DisneyChannel currently scheduled to air in July. Additionally, Film Roman has anumber of live-action and animated feature films and television programs inactive development. Peabody Award-winning writer/producer Tracy Torme beganhis career as a staff writer at SCTV and SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE and has sincegone on to write and produce for a variety of television series includingSLIDERS and STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION, which he also created andexecutive-produced for three seasons. He has also written and produced thefeature films SPELLBINDER, FIRE IN THE SKY and MIDNIGHT SKY. Tormecurrently operates his own production company, Cheyenne 7 Productions.Howard Stern is host of THE HOWARD STERN SHOW, a daily syndicated radiotalk show.
