In promoting post-production on the MAC platform, Apple recently bundled a number of 3D and 2D tools with its Final Cut Pro system. MAXON, Terran Interactive, and Puffin Designs have announced that their software will be bundled in with Final Cut Pro at no extra cost. MAXON's Cinema 4D GO -- their entry level 3D package (in short, a cut down version of their very popular Cinema 4D XL package) -- will be included in the Final Cut Pro package as a full working version, allowing users to create 'flying logos' and other simple 3D imagery for use in their productions. Terran Interactive, a subsidiary of Media 100, announced that their Media Cleaner EZ 4 for QuickTime will also be bundled with Final Cut Pro. As with C4D GO, Media Cleaner EZ 4 will be included as a full product (although, like GO, it is in fact a cut-down version of Terran's full product, Media Cleaner Pro). Final Cut Pro users will be able to output their work quickly and easily for use on the web with Media Cleaner EZ's tool set, which gives options to optimize for 56K, DSL, cable and other methods of Internet connectivity. Finally, Puffin Designs Commotion DV will also be bundled with Final Cut Pro, this time as a promotional copy, however. The promotional copy of Commotion DV will not include the FX Feature Set that is found in the standalone package, and will be available separately for $99.00 through Puffin Designs. Final Cut Pro is available now at US$999, with Cinema 4D GO, Media Cleaner EZ 4, and Commotion DV (without the FX Feature Set) included at no additional cost.