Fine Brothers Launch 'Emo Dad' Animated Web Series

The Fine Brothers launch their first animated series, “Emo Dad,” on YouTube.

Tuesday March, 5th, the online video producers behind reality format Kids React, Webby Award honoree Spoiler Alert series, and most recently transmedia sitcom, MyMusic, The Fine Brothers, premiered their first ever animated show, Emo Dad.

Airing monthly on their YouTube Channel, EmoDad is an animated series where a Dad's midlife crisis arrives... and it's so emo.

The show premiered March 5th and will air monthly through the 5 episode run with behind the scenes of the animation and vocal recording process airing between episodes, along with transmedia elements daily on Twitter

Emo Dad voices include Scott Chernoff (Conan) as Emo Dad, Rafi Fine (Creator) as Chris, and Lisa Schwartz (MyMusic, Aimless) as Mom.  Benny Fine and Kirstin Findley (Comedy Central Online’s My Profile Story) were behind character voices for supporting characters Kyle and Jasmine.  

The show is written by Matt Manser with story by The Fine Brothers, who also created and directed the show. Animation was executed by Two Animators LLP.

 “We’ve produced live action series, a TV length sitcom and unscripted content to huge success but have always been eager to do an animated series and have had Emo Dad on deck for awhile,” said Benny Fine. “As writers and producers, we’re always looking for ways to push our limits and experiment with different formats. We have had success with animated one offs and interactive experiences so we’re quite excited to bring our first narrative animated series Emo Dad to life!”

Watch the first episode, below:

Source: The Fine Brothers
