The Annecy International Animated Film Festival and Market (MIFA), is scheduled to take place May 31-June 4, 1999 in Annecy, France. This year, the festival received 995 films from 47 countries. 248 of them, representing 30 countries, have been selected for official competition. The selection committee members were -- Chiara Magri (ASIFA Italy), Otto Alder (Animadoc, Germany) and Antoine Lopez (Clermond-Ferrand Short Film Festival, France) for short and feature films -- Mireille Chalvon (France), Paco Rodriguez (PPM Multimedia, Spain) and Bob Godfrey (Director/Producer, UK) for TV and commissioned films. -- Roger Grange (CFT Gobelins School, France), Daniel Borenstein (Laboratoire GTC, France) and Catherine Lafage (Fine Arts teacher, France) for Student and Graduation films. The Jury will be presided by Pierre Tchernia. Peter Ustinov will award the prestigious UNICEF prize, judging the impact of animated films on human behavior. In addition to the traditional trade show, film-funding competition and animation & multimedia job fair, the MIFA will also present many conferences, including: French-German co-productions with TVFI; financing a co-production; and the problem of native artist outflow. The two-day New Technologies seminar will focus on France and Japan. For more information and registration, visit or call (+33 +4) 50 10 09 00; fax : (+33 +4) 50 10 09 70.