Fictional personality Autonomous Rolf borrows vocal synthesizer Hatsune Miku’s voice to sing ‘It’s Not Unusual,’ in ‘Auto Nom,’ one part of a series of animations based on Rolf.
Foam Studio plays with the concept of automobile automation in a whimsical animated video depicting the antics of a floating Mercedes sedan with the voice of Vocaloid popstar Hatsune Miku. The video is made both whimsical and dissociative by the pristine environment f°am Studio has rendered for "Autonomous Rolf" to inhabit.
Foam Studio offers abstract insight into the project in their recent press release announcing the video: “No rush -- getting from A to B was never an exciting idea to begin with, for your kind. Dance yourself clean, pull your metal frame apart and let the sun burn through your circuits. Ride your autobiography, guided by the beauty of your code.”
“Auto Nom” offers an upbeat take on unexpected consequences of autonomous mobility. It is the latest work by German design house ZEITGUISED’s new spinoff f°am Studio, and part of a series of character animation narratives based on the personality of Autonomous Rolf. Written, directed and designed by f°am Studio, this fictitious self-driving classic German car gets under your hood with its freedom loving behaviour. In a video interview, Autonomous Rolf answers the question of what inspires it: “Mistakes: they are a featurette. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”
Source: foam Studio