Framestore Builds Spots For Burbidge Wood

Wood specialists Richard Burbidge called upon FrameStore to come up with animated figures that appear to be made of real wood to feature in four spots for their sponsorship of the television program, OUR HOUSE. The concept required caterpillars that transform into butterflies to illustrate the decorative nature of the Burbidge product - decorated timber. Directed by Markus Manninen and produced by Helen MacKenzie at FrameStore, a small team of animators set out to make the spots visually interesting and appealing. The plan was to create an outdoor feel, with a clean, simple set and some stop-motion within the animation. The work started in Softimage|3D where Manninen developed all of the pre-visualization and supervised animators, Ulf Lundgren and Kate Hood, in designing, modeling and animating the figures. To enable the real-life lighting and fluent caterpillar animation Ulf worked in Softimage|XSI, using its final gathering lighting tool. To get the shadows of the real leaves in naturalistic motion, a tree was filmed with a DV-camera, and used on a shadow-casting object in 3D. Ulf layered the spots to enable color tweaks in Adobe After Effects. The agency was BDHTBWA.
