Gargoyles fans will gather at World Tour

The Gathering 1999: Gargoyles World Tour, a convention devoted to Disney'sGARGOYLES TV series, will include an art show, workshops, a dealer's room,a gaming session, a radio show script-reading, a charity auction, and acostumed masquerade. Guests from the GARGOYLES show will include creatorGreg Weisman, who has also written for DC Comics' CAPTAIN ATOM and Sony'sMEN IN BLACK: THE SERIES among others, and is currently writing and editingfor Sony's upcoming STARSHIP TROOPERS CGI series; Frank Paur,producer/director for GARGOYLES, BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES, andsupervising director for SPAWN; and actor Thom Adcox-Hernandez, who was thevoice of Lexington for both GARGOYLES and THE GOLIATH CHRONICLES. Theconvention will be at the Radisson Hotel Central near downtown Dallas, at6060 N. Central Expressway. The convention takes place Friday, June 25 -Sunday, June 27 in Dallas, Texas, US. For more information; or call (972) 243-0345.
