Upgrade to the all-in-one, real-time change management solution for Unreal Engine and Maya provides improved remote visualization and collaboration without interruption, resulting in faster iterations and cost efficiencies; 30-day free trial now available.
“BeeHive 2.0 marks a massive efficiency improvement for in-camera VFX (ICVFX) workflows,” said Norman Wang, CEO of Glassbox Technologies. “From the initial scene deployment to the ability to fully preserve all local and remote changes to assets and environments. Beehive 2.0 brings an entirely new level of productivity and collaboration to on-set operators and virtual art departments.”
The upgrade reduces bottlenecks in standard virtual production workflows, streamlining collaboration and real-time data exchange between Unreal, Maya, and physical cameras. As a result, teams can review and modify assets, troubleshoot lighting and FX, check actors’ faces and body performances in real-time, do scene modifications, and even build entire worlds from scratch for VR experiences, both on-set or remotely.
Check out “BeeHive 2.0 Overview:”
Real-Time Version Control
A new Asset History tab in BeeHive 2.0 allows teams to access and roll back to previous changes on a per-asset basis in real-time, simplifying the process of doing multiple takes in a non-destructive way. The Asset History interface is available on all supported versions of Unreal Engine and Maya. In addition, asset history changes support all BeeHive usage modes, including simple editor-to-editor, nDisplay/PAK mode, and play in editor (PIE).
Multi-Level and Sub-Level Support
BeeHive 2.0 now supports working in Unreal Engine with multiple levels and sublevels with all connected users and nDisplay cluster nodes receiving a live, real-time view of the current session. Content is distributed locally or remotely on a “need-to-receive” basis for automatic per-edit version control. In Maya 2023, BeeHive 2.0 will display all the elements on all open levels and allow users to apply unrestricted edits. Multi-level support is available in all BeeHive usage modes, including simple editor-to-editor, nDisplay/PAK mode, and play in editor (PIE).
Support for Specific Unreal Asset Types
BeeHive 2.0 introduces dedicated support for the full range of Unreal Engine assets – Unreal Lighting, Lumen, Landscapes, and Foliage – with full interoperability with Maya. Maya editors have access to these asset types in the form of static mesh proxies that can be edited at the vertex level, just like other scene components. It also ensures proper handling of objects with non-ascii names through dedicated support. All asset types, including those newly supported, are available for use in all BeeHive usage modes, including simple editor-to-editor, nDisplay/PAK mode, and play in editor (PIE).
Windows File Share Support
BeeHive 2.0 automatically detects and uses Windows File Share when the local network allows sending files locally via Network Sharing. When available, Windows Network Share is the fastest option for local network file transfer.
Information about licensing and availability is available here.
Source: Glassbox Technologies