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Gnomon Releases New Visual Development Series With Marc Gabbana

The Gnomon Workshop releases the first two titles from renowned illustrator and concept designer Marc Gabbana.

Press Release from The Gnomon Workshop

The Gnomon Workshop releases the first two titles from renowned illustrator and concept designer Marc Gabbana. The first tltle, /Traditional Visual Develpment/, takes you through Marc's process of developing a creative and unique robotic vehicle, aptly named the TribalBot, utilizing traditional mediums such as pencil, pen, and markers. His development process covers shading and perspective, but also stresses the importance of exploration of shape and form.

In his second title, /Digital Rendering/, Marc moves into the digital realm to refine and shade his creation. Using Adobe Photoshop, he adds tonal variations to his pen drawings, emphasizing the importance of value, composition and light in creating mood and drama in a scene. Pulling from his extensive creative and technical background, he delivers a fully rendered concept that can only come from the mind of Marc Gabbana.

/"I met Marc the first time when my partner, Roger Servick and I were invited to Skywalker ranch for brunch. Marc was part of the amazing group who had just finished work on George Lucas' Episode Two. Looking at Marc's drawing skill, his technique and his enthusiasm for design and image creation I had no doubt he would continue on an ascending professional career. He stopped by our house in Hollywood on his way back to his then residence in Windsor, Ontario, Canada where I had more time to appreciate his creative skill. Now, years later I have the enjoyable opportunity to again reiterate my original assessment of his creative expertise, Marc has an ongoing bright future as a premiere creative talent. I wish him only the best and look forward to many years of enjoying his work."//Syd Mead//Pasadena California/

Visual Development with Marc Gabbana Volume One:Traditional Techniques - Conceptualizing the TribalBot

DVD Description:

In this series, Marc Gabbana walks you through his process as he creates the TribalBot, a forest dwelling robotic vehicle. In this first volume, he begins with 2D orthographic and perspective drawings and walks you through his artistic process, as he develops them into more realized and finished images. Working with traditional medium such as pencil, pen and marker, he shows you how he bring his ideas to life. He covers some shading and perspective concepts, steps which are necessary to make the work appear more realistic. Marc combines his passions for drawing, perspective and industrial design and stresses exploration of shapes and forms to create never before seen walking vehicles of all sorts. The final image is a fully detailed pen drawing of the TribalBot.

Visual Development with Marc Gabbana Volume Two:Digital Rendering - Finalizing the TribalBot

DVD Description:

In this series, Marc Gabbana walks you through his visual development process as he creates the TribalBot, a forest dwelling robotic vehicle. In this second volume, he begins by adding tone to his pen drawings using Adobe Photoshop. Marc demonstrates how to work with values and shading, and he shares his methodology for layer management. He also shows you which custom brushes he uses as he adds dimension to his designs. Through his gray scale paintings, Marc emphasizes how value, composition and lighting are all integral for creating drama and mood in a scene. Lastly, he shows you how to combine various tone images to create new and unexpected lighting scenarios. The final image is a fully painted TribalBot ready to pounce off the screen.

Instructor Bio:

Marc has been working in the film, advertising, game and publishing industries for the past 20 years. He attended Lawrence Institute of Technology, where he studied architecture before graduating from the Center for Creative Studies in Detroit in 1990. Having worked with Lucas, Spielberg, the Wachowskis and Zemeckis, Marc's film credits include /Star Wars: The Phantom Menace/ & /Attack of the Clones/, /Matrix Reloaded & Revolutions/, /Polar Express/, /War of the Worlds/, /Jimmy Neutron-Boy Genius/, /8 Mile/, /Hellboy/ and IMAX's first all CG 3D movie /Cyberworld/ where he worked as Production Designer. Recent movies include /Beowulf/, /Monster House/ and Disney's /A Christmas Carol/ where he was Art Director. Recent game titles include BioShock 2 and Iron Man 2. Marc continues to create images both traditionally and digitally with an emphasis on architectural, vehicle, creature, character and environmental design; works that reflect his own unique vision. His creative passion is to bring to life the myriad of creatures and monsters crawling around in his head.

ABOUT THE GNOMON WORKSHOP:Since 2000, The Gnomon Workshop has provided artists and students with the educational resources they need to succeed as artists in the entertainment industries. Whether they're interested in design, modeling, effects, animation, storytelling or matte painting, these DVDs provide a valuable educational resource for students around the world. The Gnomon Workshop is the sister company of the Gnomon School of Visual Effects, which provides professional caliber visual effects instruction to students and professionals in Los Angeles, California.

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Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks