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The Gnomon Workshop Releases New Training Videos

The Gnomon Workshop has released new titles in their training video series and cut prices on existing video titles. Video titles previously priced at US $69 are now US $59 and many of the Workshop's titles are available for purchase in discounted bundles. In addition, the Workshop is scheduled to release four new titles on April 30, 2002 in response to customer demand. "We've gotten so many requests for tapes on Character Skinning. It was time," said Alex Alvarez, director of the Gnomon Workshop, who also developed and teaches the material on the new videos. As with all Gnomon Workshop videos, the objective of the new tapes is to explain the tools with a focus on workflow, using a wide range of skinning tools. The four new releases are SKINNING I: SMOOTH BINDING WITH WRAP DEFORMERS; SKINNING II: SMOOTH SKIN WEIGHTING; SKINNING III: HEAD SKINNING AND RIGGING; and SKINNING IV: SMOOTH SKIN INFLUENCE OBJECTS. Although the new titles will not be available until April 30th, orders for NTSC or PAL videos can be placed on the Gnomon Workshop Website at

John Edgar Park takes a look at Maya training videos from The Gnomon Workshop, 3D Buzz and Alias|Wavefront and finds that they offer a great solution for the stay-at-home student.