Korean animation house DG Spot and its production division Morph have bought the rights to graphic novel MASTERMINDS and plans to turn it into an animated feature. The property is the lead franchise of Los Angeles-based animation house MasterMinds Unlimited. Production on the film, which will include a role voiced by Stan Lee, is set to begin this summer.
The story follows five freakish felons who find ways to baffle their own devious plans. The group, led by the Maniacal Monocle, includes mad scientist Doktor Pimento, giant robot CPU-571, mobster Vinnie DiThug and the mutant monkey Gorilla King.
"Who doesn't want to rule the world?" said MASTERMINDS co-creator Aaron Sowd. "[MASTERMINDS is a story] for everyone who ever wished that Wyle E. Coyote would catch the Road Runner. It's about five guys who stick to their dreams no matter how utterly misguided those dreams really are."
Sowd previously served as art director at Stan Lee Media before starting MasterMinds Unlimited with comics writers James Denning and Lance Karutz. So far they have published three stories in anthologies by Komikwerks and created more than 20 original properties.
DG Spot is an animation house that focuses on TV and videogames, which will move into feature with MASTERMINDS.