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Howells to Direct Int’l Licensing for Target Ent.

Helen Howells joins Target Entertainment Ltd. as its new director of International Licensing, to manage the licensing of Targets existing properties and identify opportunities for newly acquired properties across various genres, in particular, the international pre-school market. Targets licensing portfolio features key properties including MEG AND MOG, FUNKY VALLEY, THE JELLIES and ANIMAL ANTICS.

Howells was commercial director at 4Kids Entertainment, where she worked on leading brands such as POKEMON, YU-GI-OH! and TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES.

Helens international track record managing character-led brands is impeccable, and her move to Target confirms our commitment to building an unrivalled consumer rights business, said Target ceo Alison Rayson.

Howells appointment is the latest boost for the ever-increasing department and will allow Chris Rayson, newly positioned as head of International Home Entertainment, to build on his successful development within this market.

The restructure of the licensing division is the latest in a round of continued growth development for Target, reflected with its continued success within the U.S. market and launch of a production arm.

Target is negotiating a number of key deals for the acquisition of new character-led childrens led properties and international licensing deals.