The Hubley Studio has created some ofthe most innovative and challenging animation in the history of the artform. Beginning with the partnership of John and Faith Hubley, andcontinuing with Faith and Emily Hubley, they have received countless awardsand international acclaim. Earlier this year, Image Entertainment releasedtheir first Hubley DVD, ART AND JAZZ IN ANIMATION. Now, they offer threemore. HUBLEY COLLECTION #1 includes ENTER LIFE (1981), UPSIDE DOWN (1991),WHO AM I (1989), BLAKE BALL (1988), TIME OF THE ANGELS (1987), PEOPLE,PEOPLE, PEOPLE (1975), W.O.W. WOMEN OF THE WORLD (1975), AMAZONIA (1989),YES WE CAN (1988), MOONBIRD (1959), TALL TIME TALES (1992), WINDY DAY(1967), and CLOUDLAND (1993). HUBLEY COLLECTION #2 includes SEERS ANDCLOWNS (1994), SKY DANCE (1979), COCKABOODY (1973), HELLO (1984), STEP BYSTEP (1978), RAINBOWS OF HAWAI'I (1995), THE BIG BANG AND OTHER CREATIONMYTHS (1981), ZUCKERKANDL (1968), WHITHER WEATHER (1977), and HERGRANDMOTHER'S GIFT (1995). EVERYBODY RIDES THE CAROUSEL: THE HUBLEYCOLLECTION includes the 72 minute EVERYBODY RIDES THE CAROUSEL (1975). Thefilm, which was made for and shown on CBS television, is based on thetheories of psychologist Eric Ericson and depicts the life stages throughwhich everyone must pass. The DVD also includes the Academy Award-nominatedA DOONESBURY SPECIAL (1977), a TV special based on Garry Trudeau's comicstrip, and MY UNIVERSE INSIDE OUT (1996), Faith Hubley's animatedself-portrait. Unlike the earlier ART AND JAZZ IN ANIMATION DVD, whichincludes several films transferred from faded and somewhat worn prints,even the older films on each of these collections look great. It'sespecially nice to see that MOONBIRD, one of the most celebrated of theHubley films, and the oldest of the films on these three collections(1959), looks almost new, a significant improvement over its previous homevideo appearance which was on ACADEMY AWARD WINNERS: ANIMATED SHORT FILMS.Each collection retails for US$24.99 and none are region coded.