Animation historian John Canemaker is working on his eighth animationhistory book, titled "Walt Disney's Nine Old men and the Art of Animation"to be published by Hyperion in 2001. It will contain detailed biographicalportraits of Les Clark, Frank Thomas, Ollie Johnston, Marc Davis, WardKimball, Milt Kahl, John Lounsbery, Eric Larson and Wolfgang Reitherman.The book will also discuss the early Disney animators who influenced "theNine," such as Ub Iwerks, Norman Ferguson, Fred Moore, Ham Luske, VladimirTytla and Grim Natwick, among others. The author would like to hear fromanyone who knew or worked with the above animators, especially familymembers or animation assistants, students and protégés, who can providestories, anecdotes, tributes, or biographical information about the NineOld Men. Please contact John Canemaker at orphone/fax (212) 874-7462. Canemaker's latest book, "Hangin' Out the Wash:The Art and Artists of Disney Storyboards" will be published by Hyperion inthe Fall of 1999 and The Museum of Modern Art will present a 20-yearretrospective of John Canemaker's independent animated films on November 6,1998.