Hoping to ride the coattails of the popular CBS television series, CBS Consumer Products and Infogrames have announced SURVIVOR: THE AUSTRALIAN OUTBACK INTERACTIVE GAME for the PC. Slated for a Fall 2001 release, the game is currently under development by Magic Lantern Playware, a creative business unit of Gold Creek Technology. The game features the real-life cast from the SURVIVOR television series, in-depth character interaction, immunity challenges, tribal councils and other elements from the show. Players can choose any of the survivors from the second season, or create their own character, where they must allocate points across10 different skill categories, which include strength, cooking, communication, swimming, aggression and intelligence. Forming alliances and keeping strong relationships are crucial to achieving victory. From the character screen, players can view their feelings and alliances with each of the other members ranging from weak to neutral to strong, and manage them accordingly. "Infogrames has a successful history in developing award-winning products that appeal to a broad demographic," said Kenneth Ross, vice president and general manager, CBS Consumer Products. "We're confident that the SURVIVOR brand will benefit from their expertise, and are excited to bring this extraordinarily popular television series into the interactive game publishing arena." Under terms of the previously announced agreement with CBS Consumer Products, Infogrames, Inc. acquired the exclusive rights to develop and publish interactive games based on the SURVIVOR television series in the United States and Canada for PC and Mac, as well as current and next-generation console platforms, including handheld systems.
Dan Sarto is Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network.