Interactive Agency D-2 Forms

d-2, a Dallas-based interactive, multimedia and Web development firm, has formally announced its grand opening and spin-off from its former parent, D Animation, one of the most successful interactive, multimedia and Web development firms in Texas, having served over 300 clients, including American Airlines, Canon, Anderson Consulting and Nortel. d-2 began operations on February 15, 2001 and is currently on track to exceed $2 million in yearly billings. d-2 will focus its business services on the real estate, telecommunications, technology and manufacturing industries. Darjon R. Bittner, president and CEO of d-2 says the company will focus its core service offerings on what it does best -- 3D modeling, computer animation, CD-ROM, Website and application development, tradeshow presentations and computer-based training. According to Bittner, initial client response and ongoing new business requests for d-2s services prove there is a great need for top-tier interactive and multimedia development work. More information about d-2 can be found at
