Interactive Effects, producers of high-end visual effects systems Piranha
and Amazon Paint, recently announced the release of Piranha 3.1 for Silicon
Graphics Workstations. The new version expands the systems' capabilities in
areas such as video support, digital audio and disk/graphics performance,
as well as adding new features such as Mipmap Texturing, high speed soft
edged rotosplining and improved image tracking capabilities. Also new to
version 3.1 are several new levels of scripting control -- users can now
control rendering and expression-based animation with scripts, taking
advantage of Piranha's upgrade from TCL 7.4 to 8.2 in the new release.
Interactive Effects have added more "performance enhancement-type" features
to other areas of Piranha, polishing up and adding to an already
award-winning, and widely used, visual effects system.