United Kingdom's ITV Network Centre has commissioned a second series of 13episodes of the animated series THE STORYKEEPERS from Dublin, Ireland-basedMonster Productions, an animation studio and distribution company formed in1995 by former management and artists from the Don Bluth studios. The newseries, produced by Shepherd Films, and distributed by Monster Distributes,will be delivered in Spring 2001 for broadcast on Sunday mornings. The newseries, which is a prequel to the existing series, is set in AD 8, andfeatures Old Testament stories within an adventure context. The series wascreated and written by Andrew Melrose, who co-created the original series.It was launched at MIPCOM, but has already been bought by Ireland's RTE andItaly's Mediaset. The first series of THE STORYKEEPERS was completed inMarch 1997 and has been a big success on video as well as on television.Two feature length films, THE EASTER STORYKEEPERS and THE CHRISTMASSTORYKEEPERS, have also been born from this franchise.