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Jamie Lee Curtis and Jack Black Join Eli Roth’s ‘Borderlands’

The ‘True Lies’ star will play Tannis the archaeologist, while the beloved comedian and ‘Jumanji’ star will voice the lovable and hilarious robot Claptrap, in the upcoming video game adaptation.

Eli Roth’s Borderlands adaptation has snagged some new and quite familiar faces! Joining Cate Blanchett as Lilith and Kevin Hart as Roland are Jamie Lee Curtis (True Lies) as Tannis the archaeologist and Jack Black (Jumanji) as the lovable and hilarious robot Claptrap.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Curtis’ Tannis “might have the key to finding a vault filled with alien weapon technology, but whose complicated history with Lilith isn’t going to help.” Complicated history, and possibly bad blood? We’d watch a showdown between Curtis and Blanchett any day.

Of Black’s casting, director Eli Roth stated, “I am so excited to reunite with Jack, this time in the recording booth. Claptrap is the funniest character in the game, and Jack is perfect to bring him to the big screen.” Based simply on the current all-star cast and director, we’re going to call it now: this film is going to be amazing.

Borderlands is a first-person action-adventure shooter known for its quirky plots, raunchy jokes, and comic book art style, originally launched in 2009 by developer Gearbox Software and publisher Take-Two Interactive Software’s 2K Games. As of 2019, the franchise had sold more than 50 million games since inception.


Image credit: Jack Black at the March 13, 2016 ‘Kung Fu Panda 3’ Red Carpet Premiere in Australia. Photo by Eva Rinaldi licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-SA 2.0).

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Journalist, antique shop owner, aspiring gemologist—L'Wren brings a diverse perspective to animation, where every frame reflects her varied passions.