Kids' WB! is introducing a Flash animated series to U.S. broadcast television with the premiere of ¡MUCHA LUCHA! on August 17, 2002. The series explores the Latino cultural phenomenon known as "Lucha Libre" and follows Rikochet, Buena Girl and The Flea as they study and live the "Code of Masked Wrestling." ¡MUCHA LUCHA! was created by Eddie Mort and Lili Chin and produced by Warner Bros. Animation under the creative supervision of Alfred Gimeno, Joel Kuwahara and Michael Ryan. The series features the voices of Carlos Alzaraqui, Candi Milo and Kimberly Brooks. "Kids' WB! introduces its boldest comedy to-date with the innovative and ethnically diverse ¡MUCHA LUCHA! joining our top-rated schedule," said Donna Friedman, executive vice president, Kids' WB!. "With irreverent humor and visually-dynamic fantasy-action, this series celebrates Mexican and Latin culture in a way that will appeal to all kids." To coincide with the launch of the series, Kids' WB! will initiate an interactive campaign, "Build Your Own Wrestler." By logging onto or, visitors will have the chance to assemble their own masked wrestler and submit their creation online. Each week five of the online-created wrestlers will be randomly selected to appear on television during the opening main title of ¡MUCHA LUCHA!