Beginning in February, Kids WB! Saturday morning line-up will start airing the hit Japanese animated series, "Pokémon," a cartoon which gained infamy in late '97 when hundreds of young Japanese viewers simultaneously suffered seizures while watching an episode that featured a high-contrast flash sequence [AF 12/23/97]. While the series currently completes its first season in first-run syndication, Kids WB! will premiere twelve all new episodes of "Pokémon," which will join the series syndication package of 52 episodes for the completion of the '98-'99 season. Then, in fall '99, "Pokémon" will join the Kids WB! line-up exclusively with 52 all-new episodes airing Monday through Saturday. The show was originally produced by Shogakukan Productions in Japan but is distributed in the U.S. by 4Kids Entertainment. 4Kids' production arm adapted the series for U.S. viewers by incorporating new music, voices and scripting. The show is currently the #1 rated syndicated kids' program in the U.S as well as a popular video game for Game Boy.