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Lopez to Animate Uxmal Myth for Bigscreen

Mario Lopez hopes to revitalize the motion picture industry in Mexico with an animated film about an ancient Mayan myth, Uxmal, now 16 years in the making, reports CALAVERASENTERPRISE.COM.

Lopez, was visiting the Yucatan 16 years ago to do research for a book. While visiting Mayan pyramids, he became intrigued with the legend about one pyramid in particular, Uxmal. The story goes that when a dwarf angered the king, he was told his life would be spared if he completed three impossible tasks, which included building a pyramid overnight. The dwarf, Calabazo, completed the pyramid and was spared his life.

Since his visit, Lopez obtained the rights to the myth from the Mexican government and has been writing a screenplay, working on casting and preparing business proposals to make CALABAZO, THE DWARF OF UXMAL into a feature-length animated film.

The Lopez family has been involved in the film industry for more than 40 years, running movie theaters specializing in Mexican motion pictures. "What I hope to do is revive the industry through these animation films," he said.

He will market the film directly to the Spanish-speaking audience, which is a trillion-dollar market, according to Lopez. He wants to attract a well-known Hispanic cast and plans to do an English version of the film as well.

The producer, who lives in Valley Springs, California, is at work raising capital for the project.

His hopes to make Calabazo, "the Mickey Mouse for the Spanish market." He projects completion in 14 to 18 months.
