Lovebytes Digital Arts Festival 2000 invites entries of film, video,multimedia and net art to feature in a substantial exhibition of digital work forexhibition in April, 2000. In its fifth year, the festival features amixture of digital art and media including exhibitions, seminars, screenings, speciallycommissioned artworks, alongside workshops and live performances from some ofthe world's most innovative digital sound and multimedia artists. All eventswill be staged in Sheffield's Media and Exhibition Centre. If you producefilm-video, multimedia or net art this is your opportunity to be seen. Ifselected, your work will be presented alongside a three day conference whichwill explore the theme of "Digital Originals" through critical debate,presentations and workshops. Entry deadline in January 14, 2000. For moreinformation check out the Web site at call +44 (0)114 221 0393.