Machinima launches two brand-new animated series, “Action Faction” and “Space Adventure Legend Quest.”
Online entertainment network Machinima has launched two brand-new animated series that, for the first time, are completely unrelated to gaming.
Space Adventure Legend Quest follows the adventures of a space crew, led by the inept Captain Drake, as they try to find ways to pass the time in the infinite abyss. The series is created by animator Chris Voigt, also known as Sexual Lobster. Watch Episode 1, “The Eternal Party,” below:
Action Faction, created by Jon Etheridge, follows a team of super heroes who must band together and protect earth after the death of their leader, Uberman. Watch Episode 1 of Action Faction, below:
Both shows debuted last weekend, racking up over 180,000 views on YouTube with new episodes airing on Saturday. That’s tomorrow!
Source: Machinima