Macromedia ships Drumbeat 2000

San Francisco, California-based Macromedia, Inc. has announced theimmediate availability of the Macromedia Drumbeat 2000 line of productswhich provide a visual solution for Web application and e-commercedevelopment. Drumbeat 2000 is available in an Active Server Pages (ASP)version, a Java Server Pages (JSP) version, and an eCommerce edition. TheDrumbeat 2000 product line is being offered for the first time byMacromedia, which announced its intent to acquire Elemental Software andits Drumbeat line of Web application development products in July 1999.Macromedia is now selling all three versions of the Drumbeat 2000 productline. Drumbeat 2000 (ASP) has a visual, drag-and-drop interface to enablethe creation of Web applications and Web interfaces to existingapplications and databases. The product features tools to build ASPapplications quickly that access and update data in real time, work acrossall browsers and require no manual coding. Drumbeat 2000 (JSP) is designedto create applications for IBM WebSphere and DB2. It allows users to createapplications that connect to back-end services using JavaBeans and Servletsand allows users who don't know the intricacies of Java programming tobuild fully functional JSP applications. The Drumbeat 2000 eCommerceedition adds all the tools needed to create secure, customizable onlinestores with Active Server Pages. The new version includes features thatmake it easy to manage online store operations and to expand merchandisingoptions. Drumbeat 2000 (ASP) is available for Windows 95, 98 and NT withMicrosoft Internet Information Server (IIS) 3.0 and 4.0 and Personal WebServer 4.0, and is priced at $399. Drumbeat 2000 (JSP) is available forWindows 95, 98 and NT and IBM WebSphere and DB2 Universal Database 5.2 andis priced at $399. Drumbeat 2000 eCommerce Edition runs on Windows 95, 98and NT with Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) 3.0 and 4.0 andPersonal Web Server 4.0, and is priced at $499. For more information Macromedia is the leading publisherof Web publishing tools such as Dreamweaver, Fireworks and Generator.