Marvel Entertainment and Sony Pictures Entertainment Japan announce the return of Iron Man to the world of anime in an all-new feature-length film,” Iron Man: Rise of Technovore.”
Marvel Entertainment and Sony Pictures Entertainment Japan (SPEJ) announced the return of iconic super hero Iron Man to the beloved world of anime in an all-new feature-length film, Iron Man: Rise of Technovore. Produced by Madhouse and currently in production in Japan, the film is slated for release on DVD in the spring of 2013.
Directed by Hiroshi Hamasaki (Shigurui, TEXHNOLYZE) with story by Brandon Auman (The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, Iron Man: Armored Adventures), the film explores a confrontation between Iron Man and the villainous Ezekiel Stane, who develops new bio-technology that seemingly outclasses the Iron Man armor. After Stane unleashes a terrorist attack and sets Tony up to take the fall, Iron Man must evade S.H.I.E.L.D.’s man hunt and find a way to clear his name.
Marvel’s Head of Television, Jeph Loeb, is slated to reveal more information surrounding Iron Man: Rise of Technovore at New York Comic Con during the Marvel TV Presents Panel on Saturday, October 13, at 4:15 pm in Room 1E13.
“Marvel is excited to present an all-new Iron Man adventure featuring the high-tech adrenaline he is known for, in the beautifully rendered anime style of our friends at Madhouse,” said Producer Megan Thomas Bradner. “We’ll get to see familiar Marvel Super Heroes such as War Machine, Nick Fury, Black Widow, Hawkeye and The Punisher, rendered in anime style for the first time. It’s a can’t-miss for any Marvel fan.”
Source: Marvel Entertainment