Mumbai-based Maya Entertainment Limited (MEL) has signed on as a co-producer of Taffy Ent.'s COSMIC QUANTUM RAY, reports ANIMATION EXPRESS. The other co-producers of the groundbreaking CGI TV series (26x30) are Taffy Prods., LLC (in association with Mike Young Prods.), Method Films, M6, KIKA/ARD, Europool, Telegael, SKC&C, and Ocean Prods., Inc. Based on a literary and artistic premise by Taffy Ent., COSMIC QUANTUM RAY is already presold to major broadcasters including KI.KA in Germany and Animania HD in the U.S.
MEL will retain all rights to the series and its derivatives for India and will share in worldwide revenue. As part of the deal, Mike Young Prods. and its associates will also use MEL facilities for other ongoing productions, estimated to be worth approximately $3 million over the next two years.