Michelle Trachtenberg breaks Black Saturn’s heart as the voice of Blood Moon in an all-new episode of Crackle’s ‘SuperMansion.’
In “A Midsummer Night’s Ream,” Black Saturn (Tucker Gilmore) tackles the dating scene after Blood Moon (Michelle Trachtenberg) breaks his heart. Titanium Rex (Bryan Cranston), American Ranger (Keegan-Michael Key) and Brad (Tom Root) try a sadistic new workout regimen with personal trainer Johnny Rabdo (Tony Cavalero). Meanwhile, Lex Lightning (Jillian Bell) tries to get on Cooch’s (Heidi Lynn Gardner) good side as Jewbot (Zeb Wells) experiences a new crisis of identity, gender identity.
In SuperMansion, Titanium Rex is the aging leader of the League of Freedom, a once-proud assembly of super heroes that isn’t what it used to be. Together, they harness their super powers and fight for justice, liberty and the need to stay relevant to society. From the creators of Robot Chicken, new episodes of SuperMansion debut every Thursday on Crackle.
Bryan Cranston, Seth Green, John Harvatine, Eric Towner and James Degus are executive producers of SuperMansion. Matthew Senreich and Zeb Wells are the series’ creators, writers and executive producers.
Source: Crackle