Every year since 1991, the organization CARTOON, with the support of theMEDIA program of the European Union, selects one European short animatedfilm as the "Cartoon d'Or," or "best European animation film." This year'swinner, announced at the Cartoon Forum in Corboda, Spain (September 22-26),is MIGRATIONS by Constantin Chamski (France). The 4-minute CGI film isdistributed by France-based Heure Exquise! where it was also produced. Thisyear's other nominees were L'ARME DU CROCODILE by Eric Blesin (Belgium), ELCARMINANTE by Debra Smith (UK), JOLLY ROGER by Mark Baker (UK), LE CYCLOPEDE LA MER by Philippe Julien (France), and SALTKVERNEN by Pjotr Sapegin(Norway). MIGRATIONS joins prestigious company as previous Cartoon d'Orwinners are: L'ENFANT AU GRELOT (CHARLIE'S CHRISTMAS) (1998) byJacques-Remy Girerd (France), LA VIELLE DAME ET LES PIGEON (1997) bySylvain Chomet (France), QUEST (1996) by Tyron Montgomery (Germany), THEWRONG TROUSERS (1994) by Nick Park (UK), THE VILLAGE (1993) by Mark Baker(UK), MANIPULATION (1992) by Daniel Greaves (U.K.) and CREATURE COMFORTS(1991) by Nick Park (UK).
The CARTOON FORUM was profiled by Heikki Jokinen in the October 1997 issue of Animation World Magazine.