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Milano Wants Films on the State of (T)error

12th Milano Film Festival Milan, ItalySept. 14-23, 2007Deadline: May 31, 2007

The 12th edition of Milano Film Festival collects and selects short and feature films from all over the world and is open to films of any genre, running time, language and format, provided that they have been produced after Jan. 1, 2006.

The call for entries for the State (T)error season is open to works of any language, format and length, produced even before Jan. 1, 2006. The submission deadline is May 31, 2007. Stories depicting crimes, injustice and massacres, committed under the banner of democracy, freedom, security or religion. Terrorism as a strategy of so-called democratic governments. A deliberate, organized, thoroughly planned terrorism consisting in warfare actions, ban on dissent and slanted news coverage. These are the main characteristics of this out-of-competition season, that the festival presents in 2007 for the third year in a row.

The film project will be further enhanced, as a result of a year of commitment in the search for and distribution of films from all over the world. Special consideration will be paid to filmmakers depicting unknown stories and cultures, to independent productions that are usually ignored by commercial circuits. In particular, the aim is to focus on those countries that manage to produce films despite their economic, political and social difficulties. Furthermore, larger participation of feature films will be encouraged.

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Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks