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Mission Impossible: Rushes And Aardman Team For Weetos

Directing duo "Sumo Science" (Ed Patterson and Will Studd) from Aardman Animation take us on a MISSION IMPOSSIBLE style action adventure in the latest Weetos commercial for producer Sally Lipsius at WCRS.

The breakfast table becomes an assault course of challenges for our fearless Weeto hoop. He flexes his cereal muscles and nothing will stop him in his quest to reach the bowl. A butter knife is a springboard helping him on his way, he agilely swings across the toast rack monkey bars and a fruit bowl becomes a scramble net with a banana slide.

The commercial uses a combination of stop frame animation, computer animation and compositing to bring together the journey from pack to mouth. It was shot, animated and composited by Studd and Patterson with John Woolley producing.

Rushes' colorist Adrian Seery graded the commercial with final finishing by vfx artist Adam Watson in Flame.


Title: MISSION IMPOSSIBLEProduct: WeetosAgency: WCRSAgency Producer: Sally LipsiusAgency Creatives: Tim Robertson and Gary KnightProduction Company: Aardman AnimationDirectors: Sumo Science (Ed Patterson and Will Studd)Producer: John WoolleyPost Facility: RushesRushes Producer: Carl GrinterTelecine: Adrian SeeryVFX: Adam Watson (Flame)