Blair Butler, a seasoned horror screenwriter who also produced Hulu and Marvel’s ‘Hellstrom’ series, is working on a new version of the script.
Sony is now in development on the sci-fi movie Omega, with Mortal Kombat helmer Simon McQuoid on board to direct, Deadline reports.
Set against a barren Texas backdrop, Omega reportedly follows “a downtrodden young woman who gets more than she bargained for when she helps a mysterious stranger: a reality-warping power that thrusts her into a dark underworld with ancient origins. As she finds herself hunted by a cabal of hitmen, she must master her burgeoning skills and discover who she really is.”
David M. Crabtree wrote the original spec script for the film. Writer and stand-up comedian Blair Butler - producer of the Hulu/Marvel series Hellstrom – is working on a new version of the script. Butler’s writing credits include the supernatural horror Polaroid and the slasher Hell Fest; her latest horror-thriller, The Bride, is getting a theatrical release from Screen Gems this August. Jason Michael Berman will produce for Mandalay Pictures, and Mandalay's Jordan Moldo will executive produce.
The project will be McQuoid’s second outing as a feature director, after making the leap from commercials to narrative filmmaking with Mortal Kombat in 2021.
Neither cast members nor additional creative personnel for Omega have been named. To achieve Mortal Kombat’s fatality-ridden visuals, McQuoid collaborated with Chris Godfrey, who worked as production VFX supervisor on the film. (Visual effects production was handled by Rising Sun Pictures, Mr. X, Method Studios, SlateVFX, and Secret Lab.)