Two conference sessions with production VFX supervisor Rob Legato and MPC VFX supervisor Adam Valdez will describe the unique filmmaking processes behind Disney’s ‘The Jungle Book.’
In Lighting a Martian Planet MPC CG Supervisor Sebastien Gourdal will discuss the challenges behind lighting and rendering the planet surface for Ridley Scott’s critically acclaimed movie, The Martian.
MPC's photo-real work on the young Arnold digital character in Terminator-Genisys set the bar high. In Bringing Arnold Back, MPC VFX Supervisor Sheldon Stopsack will reveal techniques used to develop one of the most complex areas of VFX work, creating realistic CG humans. In total, the young Arnold digital character was built and refined over a period of 11 months, with Stopsack overseeing the team on all aspects; from realistic skin behavior to the subtleties of the team’s facial animation work and the challenge of recreating the complex muscle behavior of Arnold’s body
Dr. Marco Romeo’s talk The Future of Digital actors will provide an overview of MPC's Thalia R&D project. The main focus will be on Thalia’s usage of Fabric Engine's GPU capabilities to create a high-performance deformation framework and enable faster interaction with deforming characters and easier implementation of deformers. Thalia's latest results in the research of artist-driven simulation techniques for Digital Actors will also be presented.
Diarmid Harrison-Murray, Creative Director of 3D for MPC Advertising presents The Strange and the Beautiful, a year’s journey through MPC Advertising’s creature cabinet. The talk will give insight into the complex and extremely versatile world of MPC Advertising’s creature craftsmanship.
“Going Globle” is the theme for the MPC Talent Team at FMX 2016, On Tuesday at 12pm, Global Head of Talent Acquisition Omar Morsy will share the inside track on getting a role with MPC and opportunities with them around the world.
- The Virtual Production of Disney's The Jungle Book
Wednesday, April 27, König-Karl-Halle, 14:00 - 15:30 - The Visual Effects of Disney's The Jungle Book
Thursday, April 28, König-Karl-Halle, 10:00 - 11:00 - MPC present: Lighting a Martian Planet
Tuesday, April 26, König-Karl-Halle, 10:00 - 11:00 - MPC present: Bringing Arnold ‘back’ for Terminator: Genisys
Thursday, April 28, Gloria 2, 12:00 - 13:00 - Thalia: The Future of Digital actors at MPC
Thursday, April 28, Gloria 2, 17:00 - 18:00 - Go Global with MPC
Tuesday, April 26, Raum Reutlingen, 12:00 - 12:30
Source: MPC