Nashville Film Festival Puts Out Call

Nashville Film Festival (NaFF) 2005Nashville, Tennessee, USAApril 14-21, 2005Deadline: December 17, 2004

Nashville Film Festival (NaFF) will host its 36th international competition for features, shorts, documentaries, animation, experimental work, music videos and young filmmaker videos. The event was picked by MOVIEMAKER MAGAZINE as one of 20 Film Festivals Worth The Entry Fee in its Winter 2004 edition. The festival also features archival screenings, workshops, panel discussions, music showcases, vendor and product expo, and guest appearances by nationally recognized film and video artists. First prizes in the Short Narrative and Animation categories qualify the winning films for Academy Award consideration. The Early Entry Deadline is Oct. 29, 2004, the Regular Entry Deadline is Nov. 19, 2004 and the Extended Entry Deadline is Dec. 17, 2004. For more information, visit

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Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks
