The 4-part animated series is the true story of US Army officer Felix Sparks who in WWII led the 157th Infantry Battalion on a 500-day fight to liberate Europe; the series premieres on Veteran’s Day, November 11.
Netflix has released an official trailer and key art for their upcoming highly anticipated series, The Liberator. The four-part animated miniseries, based on the true story of World War II infantry commander Felix “Shotgun” Sparks, who led the 157th Infantry Battalion of the 45th Division, an integrated, Oklahoma National Guard unit of white cowboys, Mexican Americans and Native soldiers (over 52 tribes) drawn from across the west. The series will debut on Veteran’s Day, November 11.
The project is the first ever produced in Trioscope Enhanced Hybrid Animation, a new patent-pending technology combining state-of-the-art CGI with live-action performance, designed to bring an unprecedented level of emotion and fidelity to the animated drama experience. The technology was developed by director, Greg Jonkajtys (Sin City, Pan's Labyrinth, The Revenant) together with partners L.C. Crowley and Brandon Barr. The project marks Trioscope’s first large project with Netflix and serves as their intro to the medium for large scale dramatic stories. Crowley, along with Barr, serve as producers.
Based on the book “The Liberator: One World War II Soldier’s 500-Day Odyssey” by Alex Kershaw, The series tells the riveting true story of the bloodiest and most dramatic march to victory of the Second World War: the battlefield odyssey of maverick U.S. Army officer Felix Sparks and his infantry unit as they fought for over 500 days to liberate Europe. On every level, Sparks and his battalion of “Thunderbirds” were classic citizen soldiers, and for over 500 days, they fought from Italy to France to the liberation of Dachau, through some of the most grueling battles of the war. These men became one of the most decorated American combat units of World War II.
Source: Netflix