New In The Animation Showcase: Looseleaf Productions

Looseleaf Productions is a New York City-based animation studio specializing in Flash animation production, including Web cartoons, Website design and online games. Their cartoons can be seen on their Website,, including an animated version of comic artist Vaughn Bode's "Cheech Wizard," "The Okay Player Show" starring Scratch of the hip hop band The Roots, and Looseleaf's first original series "The Space Program." Looseleaf Productions' gallery on AWN includes 21 images, plus a trailer for "The Space Program," episode 1.

Peter Chung, Bill Plympton, Raoul Servais and much, much more! The Animation Showcase is our slick new online gallery featuring work from some of the world's leading animators as well as emerging talent -- a valuable resource for creative professionals, recruiters and development professionals. For information on how your work can be showcased on AWN, download the AWN Animator Affiliate packet and learn all about our free animator promotional program.