"New Eden,” an indie web comedy, launches on the adult cartoon channel HuHa!
Indie web comedy New Eden has found a new home, ChannelFlip’s adult cartoon channel HuHa!
ChannelFlip, the UK’s leading online video broadcaster who recently partnered with Ricky Gervais to bring David Brent to YouTube, are thrilled to get behind the show. Content Director Jamie Lennox, said “the second we saw the pilot, we knew it was something we wanted for our channel. It had the right mix of original visuals, slacker comedy sensibility and alien vomit. We’re so excited to be able to bring Brett and Freek’s work to a wider audience.”
Last year the show’s creators, Brett Snelgrove and Freek van Haagen, released a pilot and a couple of shorts online with the goal of attracting funding for a series.
“We hustled our butts off to get New Eden in front of as many people as possible,” says Freek.
“But It wasn’t until late last year, just as we thought that was it for New Eden, that we scored a partnership deal with the brilliant folks at HuHa” adds Brett.
Brett and Freek have reduxed the existing New Eden pilot for the launch on HuHa and are hard at work on new episodes and supporting materials, to be released later in the year.
“Since January we’ve hit the ground running and over the coming year you can expect to see 15-20 videos from us rolling out on HuHa. Exciting times!” says Brett.
Fans of New Eden can expect more of the same physical comedy, banter and gross-out humour they’ve come to expect from the series.
Freek adds, “Personally what I'm enjoying the most about New Eden is that the world keeps getting richer and more tangible. Each episode is like discovering New Eden for ourselves alongside the audience.”
Source: New Eden Series