Newly launched Atlanta,Georgia-based Giant Studios is a performance animation studio. Theirproprietary Motion Reality? system utilizes the latest advancements inmicroprocessor technology and interfaces with the best animation software.A state-of-the-art motion capture studio is available with a 50' x 50' x24' open floor space. The system can capture and process multiple,subject-object interactions in real-time, as well as the intricate detailof hand and facial captures. The studio offers fully integratedconcept-to-completion services, and can also provide production support toanimation companies. Additionally, the powerful Nuance? motion enhancementsoftware tool utilized by Giant Studios is available for license. Thestudio also holds the worldwide license for the Biomechanics, Inc. MotionReality? motion capture system for use in all forms of entertainment. TheBiomechanics, Inc. system has over 20 years of research and developmentwith more than 10 years of application in sports analysis, defense, and theentertainment industry through a now-defunct partnership with AcclaimEntertainment. The company plans to open other studios in London, LosAngeles and Canada beginning in the first part of next year. For moreinformation contact Rand Cabus, Director of Marketing, at Giant Studiostel. (404) 659-6611; or e-mail: