Vivid Animation, a new high-end CGI animation studio specializing insophisticated digital characters and animated effects for commercials andinteractive media, has been formed by Jeff Lotman, CEO. "Vivid Animationopens its doors with a trio of world-class digital animators as itscreative nucleus," said Lotman, CEO. This nucleus, all of whom come fromsenior positions at Digital Domain, includes Animation Supervisor, StephaneCouture, Digital Effects Supervisor, Gonzalo Garramuno and VividAnimation's vice president for creative development Daniel Robichaud. Underthe helm of Robichaud, Vivid plans to develop computer animated charactersand effects based on the photo-surreal style of the team's award-winningshort film, TIGHTROPE, which was produced at Digital Domain, and premieredat SIGGRAPH '99. "The Vivid style will stand out from other computeranimation companies," said Robichaud. "CG animation is in its infancy andwe will continue to explore new styles, especially in photo-surrealism,which looks very much alive but is highly stylized." With Digital Domain,Robichaud worked on APOLLO 13, T2 3D, THE FIFTH ELEMENT, and TITANIC. As acharacter animator, Couture's credits include TITANIC and Coca Cola's PANDAPICNIC commercial. Garramuno's credits include TITANIC, SUPERNOVA, and LAKEPLACID. Rounding out the new company is producer Paige Wilds, who hasworked on visual effects for feature films including AIR FORCE ONE,STARSHIP TROOPERS, and the HBO miniseries FROM THE EARTH TO THE MOON. VividAnimation will be based at 3679 Motor Avenue, Suite 200, Los Angeles, CA,USA 90034. For additional information contact producer Paige Wilds at (310)253-5131, or visit