Nickelodeon and Humongous Entertainment have released BLUE'S 123 TIMEACTIVITIES, a new CD-ROM game based on Nickelodeon's popular preschooltelevision show, BLUE'S CLUES. BLUE'S 123 TIME ACTIVITIES allowspreschoolers to practice pre-math and problem-solving skills with Blue andher friends. Individually paced, multi-level learning activities help kidsdevelop logical thinking and deductive reasoning skills, practice simplemath, and explore numerical estimation and prediction. In the game,preschoolers join Blue at the Backyard Fair where they strengthen earlymath skills by exploring a variety of activities. They may add and subtractbuilding supplies to help Tink construct a train ride for the fair; helpBell and the Scale triplets fill requests by weighing and comparing fairsouvenirs; or join Baby Bear in a card game of counting, matching andstrategy, among other activities. By collecting Blue Dollars at eachactivity, preschoolers can help Blue win one of many big prizes at theprize tent. The BLUE'S CLUES television show stars a live-action host namedSteve (played by actor Steven Burns) who lives in an animated, storybooksetting. In each episode, Steve invites the audience to help him solve theday's puzzles, which come in the form of blue paw print clues left by hisenergetic, animated girl puppy, Blue. The show encourages its young viewersto play along with the show by presenting them with questions to answer andgames to solve. The dialogue and animation in every episode is speciallytimed so that Steve pauses to "wait" for the kids to answer his questions,direct his next move or discover a clue. BLUE'S 123 TIME ACTIVITIES iscurrently available on hybrid CD-ROM for Windows 1998/95 and Macintosh for$19.99.
Wendy Jackson wrote about BLUE'S CLUES in "Dig This! Using computers tosimulate cut-out animation techniques on South Park and Blue's Clues" inthe September 1998 issue of Animation World Magazine.