Manga Entertainment to release Satoshi Kon's animated psychological thriller PERFECT BLUE on DVD. In the film, pop singer Mima Kirigoe looks forward to a bright new career when she quits her chart-topping trio to become an actress. However, a mysterious stalker, who knows all her personal secrets, accompanies her journey to fame. The film was nominated by The Motion Picture Sound Editors for a Golden Reel Award along with six other 1999 animated feature films including TARZAN, TOY STORY II, POKÉMON and PRINCESS MONONOKE. The DVD features interviews with the director and key English and Japanese voice actors. Additional features include a musical photo gallery, special behind the scene performances, hidden songs, theatrical trailer, previews, fan club info, DVD catalog, CD-ROM content and Web links. The thrill ride begins on April 25, 2000 for US$29.95.