Animated feature directed by Spanish trio Headless is based on the novella, “Wish Police,” by Daniel Nayeri; veteran production exec Kirk Bodyfelt to produce.
Los Angeles, CA/Dallas, TX -- Reel FX, the Golden Globe-nominated studio behind 2014’s The Book of Life (20th Century Fox), reveals details of its latest project, Wish Police, including the first concept painting developed for the film as well as key additions to the production and art teams. Wish Police is directed by award-winning Spanish trio Headless (Adrian Garcia, Alfredo Torres and Victor Maldonado), and is based on the novella, “Wish Police,” by Daniel Nayeri. The story takes place in a world where children’s bad wishes come to life as mayhem-making villains, and a secret organization called The Wish Police must work around the clock to apprehend the evildoers and keep the world safe. Wish Police is targeting a late 2017/early 2018 release.
Reel FX has tapped veteran production exec Kirk Bodyfelt (Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2) to produce the film. Bodyfelt comes to Reel FX from Paramount Animation. Prior to that, he was one of the founding members of Sony Pictures Animation, producing films like Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2, as well as Open Season 2 & 3. His extensive career began at Walt Disney Feature Animation working on the production side of classics like Mulan, The Lion King and Tarzan.
The studio has also brought on Annie Award-nominated production designer Patrick Hanenberger (Rise of the Guardians,) and art director Margaret Wuller (HowtTo Train Your Dragon, The Croods) of The Neuland who will lead visual development on Wish Police alongside Headless. The duo is currently working out of Reel FX’s Dallas and Santa Monica locations.
“We couldn’t be happier to unveil a glimpse of the unique visual style of Wish Police,” Maldonado said. “We think our color palette and character designs -- which you see only a hint of here -- feel fresh and unexpected. We want to create a film whose visuals are as moving as its story.”
“From the beginning, Reel FX has been passionate about this project -- execs and crew alike immediately connected with the story and style,” adds Reel FX Chairman & CEO Steve O’Brien. “We are thrilled to have brought together talent like Headless, Patrick, Margaret and Kirk to bring the film to life and join our team. It’s our goal to be a home for filmmakers with unique voices, and Wish Police is no exception.”
Source: Reel FX