Movie icon Robert Evans will star in and exec produce an eight-episode animated series, KID NOTORIOUS, premiering on Comedy Central October 22, 2003 at 10:30 pm. The adult series features the real-life and fictional adventures of Evans as he charms Hollywood, battles global corruption and, of course, always gets the ladies.
"KID NOTORIOUS represents the type of innovative, smart programming that we're looking for," says Lauren Corrao, svp of original programming and head of development for Comedy Central. "Evans is a legendary, one-of-a-kind character and he deserves to be immortalized in a cartoon."
"The flare of the dare has always been my turn-on," said Evans, "but becoming an animated cartoon well, that could be pushing the envelope especially for a guy my age. Being a firm believer, however, that doing the unexpected is what being memorable is all about it thats what gave me the guts to go for it."
Upcoming storylines have Evans reviving THE GODFATHER on Broadway with an all-hip hop cast, losing his treasured home to the French in a poker game, and making movie deals with Hollywoods A-list, while saving the world from mass destruction.
The KID NOTORIOUS cast of characters includes English, the archetypal butler, voiced by Evans real-life butler for the past decade, Alan Selka; along with his feisty housekeeper, Tollie Mae, voiced by Niecy Nash (RENO 911!). Several guest star appearances are expected throughout the season, including a recurring character voiced by Slash, musician and former Guns N Roses guitarist.
Alan Cohen and Alan Freedland (KING OF THE HILL), and Brett Morgen (THE KID STAYS IN THE PICTURE) join Evans as exec producers. Comedy Central's Jim Sharp and Angela Howard serve as executives in charge of production.
Evans was head of Paramount Pictures where he was responsible for such films as CHINATOWN, THE CONVERSATION, THE GODFATHER, THEGODFATHER II, ROSEMARY'S BABY, TRUE GRIT, LOVE STORY, HAROLD AND MAUDE, SERPICO, MARATHON MAN, URBAN COWBOY and POPEYE. He recently produced HOW TO LOSE A GUY IN 10 DAYS, starring Matthew McConaughey and Kate Hudson.
Earlier this year, television icon Norman Lear agreed to collaborate on the Comedy Central series SOUTH PARK, with its creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker.
Comedy Central (, the only all-comedy network, is seen in more than 82 million homes nationwide. COMEDY CENTRAL is owned by Comedy Partners, a wholly-owned division of MTV Networks.