The 2nd annual Ottawa Student Animation Festival, slated for October 21-24,1999, is now accepting submissions. To ensure a level playing groundamongst participants, the official competition has been divided into fivecategories: high school/secondary films; undergraduate films; graduatefilms; first films and children's films. Schools from around the world willcompete for the Best Artistic Achievement in Animation Education award. Inaddition to the Official Competition, SAFO '99 will feature a variety ofscreenings that highlight an individual, studio or country that has made asignificant aesthetic and/or technical contribution to the animationcommunity. There will also be numerous hands-on workshops, panels, lecturesand consultation sessions scheduled to help prepare new-comers for the jumpinto the professional animation industry. The "Animarket" trade fair willprovide participants with an excellent recruitment and promotional vehicle,as well as unparalleled industry exposure. This year, the event will takeplace in the newly renovated National Archives of Canada Auditorium,providing improved audio-visual capabilities and offer all events under oneroof. Don't miss this major student gathering, mark up your calendars! Thesubmission deadline is June 15, 1999. For entry forms (including an on-lineversion which can be sent directly by e-mail) and festival information,visit the SAFO web site.