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SIGGRAPH 2013 Calls for Real-Time Live! Content

SIGGRAPH 2013 announces a call for cutting-edge Real-Time Live! content to be presented as part of this year’s Computer Animation Festival.

Chicago, IL SIGGRAPH 2013 seeks cutting-edge Real-Time Live! content to be presented as part of this year’s prestigious Computer Animation Festival. Examples of accepted real-time simulations and graphics submissions include:

  • Military or industrial simulations
  • Interactive animation and graphics
  • Research projects
  • Computer games
  • Real-time art explorations
  • Scientific visualizations: medical, astrophysics, astronomy
  • Interactive data visualization and information graphics

As long as the submission is interactively controlled, rendered in real time, and repeatable for a live audience, it will be considered. Accepted work is demonstrated live on a PC or game console in front of an audience. The result is an entertaining, informative, and engaging experience.

“Celebrating its 5th anniversary, Real-Time Live! has grown into a can't miss event at SIGGRAPH and has established itself as the premier annual showcase for the best of the best in interactive real-time graphics,” said Abe Wiley, Real-Time Live! Chair from Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. “We hope that this year's content will be more diverse than ever and highly encourage submission from all industries and fields of research."

The Real-Time Live! submission deadline is 5 March 2013. All real-time work will be reviewed by a professional jury of industry experts from traditional computer graphics, video games, and research organizations. Entries will be judged on creativity, innovation, performance, and most importantly, the ability to render in real time in front of a live audience as part of the Computer Animation Festival. The top selections will be played and demonstrated live on a PC or game console.

View detailed information on how to submit Real-Time Live! content.