SIGGRAPH Looking for Student Volunteers for 2007

A special interest group under the Association for Computing Machinery focused on computer graphics and interactive techniques, the SIGGRAPH team is preparing for the 34th annual conference in San Diego, California August 5-9, 2007. Student Volunteers are an integral part of the conference, providing needed assistance to conference attendees and participants in exchange for entrance to the conference and, in some cases, hotel accommodations and travel grants.

Some of the benefits Student Volunteers may receive:* Full conference access* Travel and housing assistance possibilities* Special sessions featuring industry professionals* Career mentoring opportunities* Resume and demo reel review opportunities* Behind-the-scenes knowledge of conference happenings* Networking opportunities with current and future industry leaders* Advice from Student Volunteer AlumniStudent Volunteers work either 30 or 18 hours throughout the conference week, engaging in a variety of tasks such as door and session monitoring, attendee registration, and exhibit demonstration venues such as Emerging Technologies and the Guerrilla Studio.

We welcome you to visit our website at The FAQs and Qualifications pages offer additional information. You may also contact us at if you have any additional questions that are not found in the FAQs. The online application will be open until the deadline at 11:59 pm PT, Feb. 25, 2007.

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Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks