The adventures of Toucan Sam continue in a 30 second spot made by SimExDigital Studios for Leo Burnett/Chicago. The spot, entitled "Frog/Idol,"promotes Kellogg's Marshmallow Blasted Froot Loops.
"Frog/Idol" is a continuation of last summer's "Marshmallow Temple/ExtremeAdventure." In it, Toucan Sam falls through a temple floor into anunderwater cavern. There he discovers an enormous frog idol, and swims intoits mouth. Once he surfaces, a multitude of frog marshmallows jump towardshim.
The spot uses a number of techniques. First, SimEx combined live actionwater elements with those created on the Avid Media Illusion. They alsoused distortion plug-ins for the Media Illusion, as well as proprietaryshaders by Alias/Wavefront.
Jean Maxime Perramon directed the spot. Leo Burnett/Chicago's creative teamincludes: Creative Director Peter Lohmeier, Senior Producer Ken Gilberg,Senior Account Executive GabrielleGuimond, Account Executive Tolani Ogunleye, and Production Manager VeronicaPuc. SimEx Digital Studios's team includes Visual Effects Supervisor/ArtistNick Bates, Animation Director Jean Maxime Perramon, Executive ProducerGeorge Mendoza, Producer Krista Kilmer, Production Coordinator ChristinaCox. 3-D Animators were Jeff Chung, Alex Warner and Spencer Levy. EricMyers served asEditor and Cel Animation Assistant Director. 2-D cel animation wascompleted by Roberto Casales.
Kellogg has signed SimEx to produce two more spots, "Derelict" and "Howl,"which will air this Spring.